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Teenage Problems and Hypnotherapy


How Hypnosis can help with teenage problems

Teenagers have always been challenged with a range of growing up problems, this has no doubt been accentuated by the recent pandemic. There are some advantages for young people that have access to hypnosis. Below I explain how some of the common problems teenagers experience can be helped with hypnosis.

These days, being a youngster comes with built in difficulties. Feelings of mild stress, anxiousness and hormonal fluctuations are normal for a young person. However, for some teens, emotional problems can become a good deal more problematic and extreme. Surprisingly, research has shown (1) that 10 percent youngsters below the age of 16 develop mental health problems. Therefore, it is not uncommon, however, that does not make it any easier to contend with.

Hypnotherapy solutions could help your child deal with their mental health factors long term. 
Here are just some of the ways hypnotherapy can help teenagers:

A depressive disorder
If a teenager is experiencing feelings of depression, they should be seen by a doctor for his or her medical judgment. In addition to that, hypnotherapy tactics will help. Depression will probably affect a teenager's mind and body in a number of ways. The treatment of the issues in the teenager's conscious and subconscious is pretty important when alleviating depression with hypnotherapy. The teenager should gain insight into how they think and how to stop the negative the internal thoughts that always exist with depression. They would gain the tools to encourage their constructive feelings and emotions.

Feeling anxious
It's quite common for teens to endure high amounts of anxiousness. From time to time it can be related to specific factors like socialising or exams, but sometimes it is an overwhelming all-round anxiousness that affects the child's ability to approach life with confidence. Through hypnotherapy, your child would learn deep relaxation methods to help them contend with the anxiety. The hypnotherapeutic techniques will help them to resolve the deep feelings and beliefs that made them anxious at the outset.

Low confidence
Most children experience struggles and setbacks and these are just part of life but some children just do not manage them in the right way and that might affect them in the years ahead. Having low self-worth and a lack of confidence is utterly different from them feeling a bit self-conscious with strangers.

Does your youngster suffer from low self-confidence?

Do you think your child is not socialising how they should, are they overly withdrawn or perhaps backwards in coming forwards?

If the answer is yes, then they could benefit from some hypnosis sessions to help them through it. The first thing to establish can be why they hold inappropriate beliefs about themselves. Once this has been identified the hypnosis will help them change those adverse thoughts into more helpful and useful feelings.

In this short article, I have only scratched the surface of the number of issues where hypnosis can assist. There are plenty of other adolescent problems that hypnosis may help with like negative habits, anger, obsessive compulsive disorder and social challenges, etc.

Youngsters respond very well to hypnotherapy simply because they have reactive minds and they are more receptive to new ideas. In case you think, your youngster is having some psychological problems it may be worth speaking with a hypnotherapist to see if they think they can help. If for any reason they do not feel comfortable with hypnosis, then I can also work at a conscious level with NLP coaching and Thought Field Therapy that are very effective at dealing with all of these problems.


John Plester is the Principal Tutor of East Anglian Institute of Hypnotherapy as well as NLP Coach and Hypnotherapist at Norwich Hypnotherapy Practice.


General Hypnotherapy Register
National Health Service
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council
East Anglian Institute of Hypnotherapy
Norwich Hypnotherapy Practice
Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
National Council of Hypnotherapists
General Hypnotherapy Standards Council
Thought Field Therapy
Freedom Formula
Catalyst For Change
NLP Coaching
About John Plester
Tel 01603 626477