In these training days, you will learn:
- 30+ of Dr Callahan's proven powerful tapping sequences for improving the quality of your life.
- How to combine sequences for optimum results in your own life.
- Multiple ways to eliminate self sabotage and blocks to healing and success - you will learn how to correct all your blocks to well being and quickly reprocess negative neural pathways.
- How TFT reduces daily stress - which is the leading contributor to chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes.
- How anxiety interferes with the immune system (making you vulnerable to chronic disease) and how TFT can provide the fastest relief possible - even from extreme anxiety and panic disorders.
- How TFT can reduce (and often completely eliminate) your health related stress - allowing calm, tranquility, and vibrant good health back into your life.
- How TFT can quickly and almost 'magically' eliminate chronic conditions, the after effects of trauma, and even physical pain without drugs.
- How TFT can help you take control and conquer your fears, jealousy, depression, obsessions and compulsions, anger, grief, addictive urges, irrational guily and more!
- How TFT can help you reduce (and often completely eliminate) your financial, relationship and job-related stress - allowing abundance, confidence and clarity into your life.
- Create the most effective tapping sequences for the presenting problems.
- Identify individual blocks to healing – specific to the problem and the client’s circumstances.
- Learn Psychological Reversal sequences and how to use them most effectively for yourself and clients.
- Identify specific Individual Energy Toxins in complex cases that keep you or your client from reaching ones potential and often creating psychological reversals.
- Neutralise toxins – identify the specific protocol to neutralise toxins. Eliminate the side-effects of necessary medications in the process.
- Align ourselves and our client’s to our goals – enhancing and building the positive
This course is practical and fun with the aim of you being confident and competent to help clients with TFT.
This course will help both you and clients with:
- Reducing daily stress and anxiety in your life.
- Reprocessing trauma and negative past events by eliminating the negative emotion at it’s root cause.
- Dealing with negative emotions that may be effecting your life and wellbeing such as anger, rage, guilt, shame, embarrassment, addictive urges, pain, anxiety and fear.
- Promoting positive health by reducing Psychological Reversal through various methods with the aim of preventing blocks to the immune system and natural healing.
- Understanding the role of Individual Energy Toxins on TFT treatments and therapy in general.
The course will include:
- Comprehensive ‘TFT Practitioner’ manual for quick reference and use.
- Exclusive access to online resources including eManuals, ebooks,and support materials.
- Group tuition, demonstration and practice.
- TFT Practitioner certification